Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rules for the Instructional Kid Pitch League

1.     Each game will consist of 6 innings (1 ½ hour max)
2.     9 players on the field including pitcher and catcher
3.     The batting tee will be used for the first two innings (mainly to ensure the boys in the field get some defensive action and to move the game along)
4.     Subsequent innings will be a combination of kid and coach pitch (6 from kid, 4 from coach).  After 10 pitches an out is recorded and the boy returns to the bench.  There are no walks.  [I strongly encourage the boys to do their best to hit off the kid-pitch.]
5.     Each half inning will be considered over when the earlier of 3 outs or 5 runs scored occurs
6.     Maximum number of bases on a batted ball
    1. If a batted ball does not leave the infield the batter is to advance to first only.
    2. If a batted ball is hit into the outfield, in front of or in between the outfielders. the batter may advance two bases.
    3. If a batted ball goes past the outfielders (ON A FLY OR LINE) there will be unlimited base advancement.
7.     Fielding play of a batted ball
    1. Tag plays are allowed.
    2. Plays at home plate are allowed.
    3. Double Plays are allowed.
    4. Force outs are in play.
    5. NO infield fly rule.
8.     Players must prove they can pitch in practice first (i.e., the player's throws should be near the plate before they should be used as a pitcher).
9.     Catcher must wear an athletic supporter and cup.  Any putout at home must be handled by the catcher for the out at home to be recorded.
10.  Base Running
1.     No leading off any base.
2.     No stealing of any base.
3.     Over-throws to all bases are considered “dead” and the runners may NOT advance.
4.     Base runner is allowed to tag up on a fly ball.
5.     A tagging runner who leaves early will be returned to his base.
1.     Helmets must be worn by all offensive players on the playing field. (batter and base runners)
2.     No one except the batter in the batter's box is allowed to hold a bat at any time during the game. (Before, During and After!!)
3.     No fence or backstop climbing at any time
4.     All players are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a protective cup.
1.     Any batted ball that hits a coach (in fair territory) is considered “dead” and the batter is awarded first base.
2.     A foul fly ball is in play and can be "tagged up" on.
1.     Foot first sliding is permitted.
2.     Head first slides will result in an automatic out.
3.     Foot first sliding is mandatory at home plate
14.  SUBSTITUTIONS All Positions

Basic Groundball Fielding

Glove starts at the ground and comes up with the ball, be on the balls of your feet, use "alligator" hands.

Basic Throwing

Very important - keep your elbow above the shoulder.  Like hitting, throwing is with the hips... the stronger your legs are, the harder you'll throw.

Introduction - White Plains Instructional Kid Pitch A's

Please excuse my stammering but I've worked everyday since January 10th and I no talk good anymore.